
Make smart fertility decisions

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you can afford

you can trust

highly rated

near you

All fertility clinics in the US for egg freezing and infertility treatment (IVF or IUI) in one place.

Find a clinic

We’ve researched

Over 450 fertility clinics and specialists in the US

We select only the most effective and affordable ones in your area

Where to begin?

Always start with fertility assessment

Knowing your baseline fertility will help you create a plan for your future family goals. It will be tested by:
• bloodwork
• ultrasound

✔️ It is covered by most insurance
Both men and women are recommended to get tested

Fertility assessment

It is smart to do yearly for women 27 yo+, even if not ready to have kids yet

Egg freezing

For women 27-40 yo who want to preserve their fertility for when they are ready to have kids

IVF - coming soon!

See transparent pricing and the most successful clinics in the US

Women sharing their egg freezing experience

We’ve been there.

We experienced firsthand how expensive and intimidating egg freezing can be. That’s why we started Blooming Eve, the place for guidance and support.

Our mission is to make egg freezing more affordable, less intimidating, and understandable.

Meet our leadership

Our team brings more than 15 years of experience in reproductive medicine, digital health and design to reimagine access to fertility care.

Anatasiia Timon's photo, ASRM member

Anastasiia Timon

CEO & Founder, digital health executive, fertility advocate and patient

Yaron Goighman' MD photo ASRM member

Dr. Yaron Goikhman, MD

Medical Advisor, practices at Israeli Medical Center of Reproductive Medicine and Family Health.

Anya Kern's photo

Anya Kern

COO & Co-founder. designer and researcher, pricing transparency and user experience advocate

As featured in:

Why freeze eggs?

Egg freezing helps to preserve your fertility until you are ready to have kids. More and more people open up about their infertility, like Jennifer Aniston, and they wish they considered freezing eggs.

Also, did you know that you actually save money on IVF if you freeze your eggs earlier?

Explore more on "why">

Egg freezing FAQ

Is eggs freezing worth it? Why freeze your eggs?
How much does egg freezing cost?
What is the recommended age for freezing eggs?

See all FAQ >

freezing eggs clinic

Want fertility benefits to be offered at work?

If you are:
• an employee or
• an employer who wants to bring egg freezing benefits to your company
Let's chat